Are you ready to elevate your finished work to one-of-a-kind? Then it’s time to make or make more of your very own sheet glass! The beauty of glass fusing is in its versatility, its room for creative expression, and signature style. Using 96 COE accessories and Glassline paint, participants will create 6 square feet of unique sheet glass demonstrating techniques like impasto, powder migration, sgraffito, stamping, stenciling, and paint washes, as well as recreating old favourites like confetti, chopsticks, and mardi gras glass. After three sessions of experimenting, participants will return to cut and shape their one-of-a-kind material into fused glass vessels of their choosing. As shape and size will vary, the final firings are à la carte.
All material and sheet glass firing included.
Finished piece firings not included.
When: Thursdays, March 2, 9, 16, and 23, 2023, from 7 to 10 pm
Fee: $425 + HST + Firing of finished piece